Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Soker Rumble Run-Up

Interesting when a dying land resurrected by human hands. One year ago this place just a lonesome meadow, now have become a concrete desert. How powerful we are. This is a new highway construction project in Klodran, about 5 kimometers northwest from Solo City, one of suburban area which will become the first highway structure in Solo. This highway named Soker, which will ranged from Solo to Kertosono with total length of 177km, 100km longer than Jakarta Outer Ring Road highway. Maybe one year later this place will become: rumble.


  1. Great BW. Further I have to learn much much and much from you.

    1. thanks Jad..feel free to share together, HBD anyway ;)

  2. Complate story and rule picture so amazing

  3. same here. sub-urban areas are endangered everywhere in Java. if they can't gain the consumer, they bring the market to them, making way to facilitate them also in the name of development. nice story greg !

    1. indeed, hopefully all those plan will bring positive impacts for people around. Thanks mas Ichsan.
